Graphology is the science involved in producing a personality profile of the writer by examining the characteristics, traits and strokes of an individual's handwriting.
Graphologists are employed for a variety of reasons:
Relationships: Explore compatibility and get a better understanding of the dynamics in professional and personal relationships.
Confidence: Build self esteem for children and young adults to help discover latent skills or talents to build on. Graphology can help you understand your child if you notice sudden changes in behavior or personality. (Kids must be 12 years or older.)
Personnel Selection: Choose the most suitable person for the job. Also to help match co-workers together for compatibility. Other important traits such as attention to detail, impulsiveness, reliability and honesty, etc. are revealed to help you choose the right employee before you spend the time and money on interviews.
Self discovery: Our handwriting reveals hidden traits, strengths and weaknesses that can actually be corrected or improved upon with "Handwriting Therapy." The changes can happen pretty quickly.