Israel Regardi’s “True Healing” guided meditation
This guided meditation was published in 1932 and I felt that the healing wisdom of this meditation needs to be shared more, so I recorded it. We are energy beings and this is one technology that helps keep our energy field working in peak performance. If you like this recording, please share it with your friends and family.
Anita Moorjani
Anita Moorjani recounts that she did all the right things for all the wrong reasons. For example, she ate all the right things out of fear and in order to be a very nice person she took care of everyone else above herself. In this recording she explains that the fear is what contributed to her getting cancer. Of course disease is more complicated than that, however there is something to be seriously considered in her story.
After having lemon sized tumors all over her body she has been cancer free for many years and speaks all over the world about her inspiring message and what she learned. I hope you enjoy it.
Jim Hrisikos
Hear Jim’s story of how he was told by doctors that he had terminal cancer. For many years he was on pain medications due to cancer. One day he went to get his medicine refilled as he had been doing for many years. The doctor evaluated Jim and asked Him “Why do you need these pain medication‘s?“ Jim responded that these were the medication he’s been taking for years and it was time to renew the prescriptions. The doctor then informed Jim that he was cancer free and therefore should not be in any pain.
Jim celebrated his freedom of cancer by sky diving at the age of 85 years old. Listen to his story and enjoy!